Young Leader Mission 3 Validation

Take the section’s programme ideas to a programme planning meeting.

This mission should include:

  • asking the young people in the section to contribute their ideas to the programme
  • capturing the ideas and suggestions from the young people and exploring how these could be incorporated into their programme
  • attending and contributing to a meeting (eg programme planning meeting, leaders’ meeting, District, County/ Region or Area meeting)

To complete this mission, you could:

  • attend a section planning meeting
  • plan and run a meeting (eg section planning forum or running activities from the YouShape resources)
  • decide who should attend a meeting and invite them along
  • organise and run a forum for the young people in your section, gathering their ideas and suggestions, and feeding these back to the section leader
  • organise for someone to take notes, minutes or points of action
  • plan and run the Sixers’ or Patrol Leaders’ forum, ensuring that the young people in the section understand how they can input their ideas into the section programme
  • any other ideas, subject to agreement with the Explorer Scout Leader – Young Leaders and Section Leader

Young Leader Mission 3

Step 1 of 3

Your Details

Explorer Name(Required)
Contact Email(Required)

Placement Section Leader

Section Leader Name(Required)
Section Leader Email(Required)

Take the section’s programme ideas to a programme planning meeting.

This mission should include:

  • asking the young people in the section to contribute their ideas to the programme
  • capturing the ideas and suggestions from the young people and exploring how these could be incorporated into their programme
  • attending and contributing to a meeting (eg programme planning meeting, leaders’ meeting, District, County/ Region or Area meeting)

To complete this mission, you could:

  • attend a section planning meeting
  • plan and run a meeting (eg section planning forum or running activities from the YouShape resources)
  • decide who should attend a meeting and invite them along
  • organise and run a forum for the young people in your section, gathering their ideas and suggestions, and feeding these back to the section leader
  • organise for someone to take notes, minutes or points of action
  • plan and run the Sixers’ or Patrol Leaders’ forum, ensuring that the young people in the section understand how they can input their ideas into the section programme
  • any other ideas, subject to agreement with the Explorer Scout Leader – Young Leaders and Section Leader

Young people first: Safeguarding and Safety in Scouting

Wherever we go and whatever we do, we put young people’s safety and wellbeing first. Here's how.