Cub Camp Fire

Cub Details

Young Persons Name(Required)

Parent / Guardian / Other Attending

Other Attendees(Required)
Please provide details of an over 18 parent / guardian to attend the event for supervision purposes.
Parent / Guardian / Other Name
Relationship To Member

Emergency Contact

Name of Emergency Contact(Required)

Other Details

Due to the amount of children in the area and out of respect to the neighbor’s, vehicle access down the lane is limited. Please park along Old Brighton Road North & South. Access will be granted to those with blue badges and associated needs. To help us plan this, please indicate if you will require vehicular access down the lane to the campsite.
Please let us know of any medical conditions or allergies your party has, including any medication they will need to bring with them on the day (Epi-pen, Asthma inhaler etc). If your child has special needs, we would love to know of any adjustments we can make to help the event be more accessible for them.

Young people first: Safeguarding and Safety in Scouting

Wherever we go and whatever we do, we put young people’s safety and wellbeing first. Here's how.